Saturday, September 8, 2012

Chapter 8 Question 2

All people are different. So all people have different perspectives. It just depends on how you look at things like how sister Helen Prejean interprets the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, “who taught us to not to return hate for hate and evil for evil”. She see's Jesus' teachings in a way that she thinks the death penalty contradicts it. In my perspective I believe that the scriptural passage does not prohibit the usage of the death penalty. I think that is so because in the justice system when a person has done a heinous crime that everyone hears about then the doer of the crime is usually sent to another county or part of the state. That is so there is no feelings of anything from the jury so everything is neutral. It is not like someone did a crime and the whole family of the victim is the jury and they decide the death penalty because they hate the person and want to be evil to them. Hate is when you strongly dislike someone or something. Courts use the death penalty not because they hate someone, but because they deserve it. Therefore, the scriptural passage does not prohibit the usage of the death penalty because courts do not use the death penalty because of hate, but because they deserve it.

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