Saturday, September 1, 2012

Chapter 6 Question 1

I believe that Obama's position on same-sex marriage is not on par with his beliefs in equal rights and opportunities for all people. Obama knows that if same-sex marriage was legalized on a federal level then the homosexual married couples would get the same benefits as the heterosexual married couples. So that means if he does not support the legalization of same-sex marriage on a federal basis then he does not believe in the support of equal rights and opportunities for all people since the same-sex marriage couples would not be getting the same benefits as the heterosexual ones. I do not know how Obama thinks, but I think that his way of responding to Nava and Dawidoff's argument would be that he is trying to keep the system in balance as in if homosexual couples got the same rights as heterosexual ones then many companies like insurance companies who give discounts to married couples would have to change their policies. So he would probably be looking at the situation on a higher level.  

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