Sunday, September 2, 2012

Chapter 6 Question 2

There is not much that comes to mind with me when I think of any situation where I had to stand my ground because I am the type that does not like to argue. If I had to choose one particular event though I would have to choose the time where my friends wanted to go out to eat with me before they went out to move down south near San Diego, but I had to be with my mom because she was really sick. My mom also had my sister and brother to take care of her too, but I wanted to be with my mom. My friends got mad because it could be the last time they could see me probably and they told me that my sister and brother could just take care of my mom, but in my head I knew that back then when I was younger that whenever my mom wanted to have fun she couldn’t sometimes because she had to take care of me. I had to explain to my friends the situation and eventually they sympathized with me. My critical thinking skills led me to decide who to go with and it led me to not just think of what I wanted, but what was best. I had to think on a higher level to decide who to go with. 

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