Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chapter 10 Question 2

 Wootan and Liodice both make very good arguments. Wootan does a good job explaing why there should be strict food regulation and Liodice does a good job explaining why there should not be strict food regulation. For me though I like Liodice's argumentation better. I like it because Liodice goes to the very basics and starts his way up from there. Starting with the basic human rights of freedom of speech and how there should be no regulation that hinders anyone's freedom of speech just to solve a problem. Then from there he talks about people will not be intimidated especially the ones who recognize personal and parental responsibility and other values. Which I think is true since it is the parents who buys the food for their children so it is the parents responsibility and not the companys who promote their food. Overall I agree with Liodice's argumentation about protecting freedom of speech.  

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