Saturday, November 10, 2012

Chapter 11 Question 1

After reading chapter eleven about the media I have learned a few things. I already knew that the media was usually biased and there were always thing out there trying to get us to buy their things. Reading the chapter taught me about the extent of everything of like how there is bias in the news. Like how the news can reinforce my view on something of like a city when it shows a lot of violence of the city. So if I viewed a city as violent and the next day the news shows a report of violence in the city then it helps reinforce my view. An opposite example of that would be when the news challenges my views like if I think that the doing something is bad like drinking any alcohol is bad is not true. Like I found out back then that drinking a little bit of wine every day is good for you. That was an example that challenged my view since I always had the impression that alcohol was not good for you.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chapter 10 Question 3

Chapter ten had quite a few concepts that I found interesting. One in particular that stood out to me would be the one about the SWOT model. According to the text, the acronym SWOT stands for “strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats”. It is used to analyze a certain company's strengths and weaknesses, also for external things too. I found it interesting because I did not know that companies used such a method to analyze their own business. I thought it was smart for the companies to use the method to their advantage. Well the first two components of the SWOT model are the part of the method that makes the company look at itself internally. The second two parts are for the company to see external things like for opportunities looking for new partners or for threats checking out the new competitors. Overall everything in chapter ten was interesting, but I liked this one the best.  

Chapter 10 Question 2

 Wootan and Liodice both make very good arguments. Wootan does a good job explaing why there should be strict food regulation and Liodice does a good job explaining why there should not be strict food regulation. For me though I like Liodice's argumentation better. I like it because Liodice goes to the very basics and starts his way up from there. Starting with the basic human rights of freedom of speech and how there should be no regulation that hinders anyone's freedom of speech just to solve a problem. Then from there he talks about people will not be intimidated especially the ones who recognize personal and parental responsibility and other values. Which I think is true since it is the parents who buys the food for their children so it is the parents responsibility and not the companys who promote their food. Overall I agree with Liodice's argumentation about protecting freedom of speech.  

Friday, November 2, 2012

Chapter 10 Question 1

As a consumer I have encountered many different marketing strategies throughout the week. One marketing strategy that I have come across from would be brand recognition. I have passed many billboards with the brand's name along with some picture or phrase that would catch my eyes. I thought that it was a good way to catch my eyes and make me think about the brand. Another one would be while going to the store having items being placed in the very end of the aisle so that it would catch my eye. I liked it too, but not really also because of the fact that it made me want to get something that I really did not need. That is a good marketing strategy though to get me get something from the brand. One that also caught my eye too was product placement while watching a movie. I think it was the least effective for me only because I do not buy something from a company just because it is in a cool movie or some actor uses it too. It may work for some fans though that love the actors or movies so it works for some and doesn't work for some.