Sunday, December 9, 2012

Final Question 2

 I enjoyed a lot of things about this online class. It was my first, but because of that if there are any other online classes I could take then I would take it because of the experience I had with this online class. For me though I think my favorite part of the class was the weekly discussions. I liked the weekly discussions because I was able to see my peer's outlook on the discussions compared to mines which was interesting and kept the class entertaining. My least favorite thing about the class was the 12 hour mark we had to wait for before every post we had to do, but I understand why it is done. Other than that everything else was good I really had no problems with the class. If I had to choose one thing to improve about this class it would be to just have maybe one more question in the discussions just to have people do more thinking, but hey the class is good enough.  

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